NASA on the Commons

Rights Statement.

There is no clearly posted Rights Statement. Each image has a notice about its Copyright status.

The site includes photographs compiled from the archives at NASA images. The purpose of the site is to encourage the public to add comments and tags to the photographs so they are better documented and more easily accessible. There is no general statement on the copyright status of the images. Each image is labeled as either no being subject to known copyright restrictions or subject to some Creative Commons License. 

The Getty Museum

Rights Statement

This site includes digitized images of art works, particularly paintings, ceramics, sculptures, and photographs included in the Getty Museum Collection. The collection includes art pieces from ancient to modern times. According to the Terms of Use of the Museum, a large number of the art images are in the public domain, and this is clearly stated in the Rights Statement of every piece. Some of the more recent materials are under Copyright. The site also provides access to descriptions of the art, text for exhibits and Getty publications. These are described as “Site Content” and are, for the most part, under a Creative Commons License. 

A Definition of Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary field that explores how digital tools can facilitate, transform and/or improve the work of humanities scholars. It also seeks to critically examine the evolution and social-cultural and ethical impact of digital technologies. 

I chose to define Digital Humanities as a “field” because I believe it has two well-defined general question: how can technology change the practice of humanities scholarship? And how can humanities scholarship help us understand and hopefully shape technological development. I decided not to include a list of the actual technologies that can be used in digital humanities, because I wanted to definition to capture the main questions in the field rather than focus on the particular tools which have been changing overtime.